
Marketing today finds its strength in authenticity, and so does Monica Watt Design Group. As an agency owner, Monica believes in an honest, forthright approach to working with clients. She understands how vital good communication is to any partnership and her only goal is to help you succeed. The best way she can do that is by working with you, as though she is part of your own marketing team.

Monica Watt Design Group was created during the COVID-19 Pandemic lock-down. The break in normal business function worldwide and the universally accepted remote business environment that followed presented a unique opportunity to bring back together talented agency professionals who had all worked together in the past at large Pittsburgh agencies, but who had gone off to chart their own paths over the years.

The agency utilizes a new business model, one which allows for pulling in experts and partnering together on projects as needed – with the client front and center, not the agency. It also allows for more agility and faster turnaround times that larger agencies cannot match. This flexible agency model is part of a new trend in advertising agencies. If you would like to learn more, click here.